Thursday, March 18, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII Weapon Guide - Sazh Katzroy

Sazh – Dual Pistols

1st tier change 2nd tier change 3rd tier
Vega★Lv26 Peroskite AltairLv.10 Trapezohedron Total Eclipse
Spica★Lv21 Scarletite SiriusLv.16
Deneb★Lv26 Peroskite CanopusLv.13
Pleiades★Lv26 Peroskite HyadesLv.13
Aldebarans★Lv Cobaltite SadalmeliksLv.14
Antares★Lv21 Uraninite FomalhautLv.14
Procyons★Lv21 Dark Matter Betelgeuse Lv.16
Rigel★Lv21 Uraninite PolarisLv.19

saz Weapons

Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Vega 24600 1 +12 +14 - Up in Arms (chapter 4)
26 +137 +139
Altairs 445950 10 +74 +84 - Vega★Lv2*Peroskite
61 +380 +390
Total Eclipses 1551723 45 +372 +382 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +812 +822
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Spica 66750 1 +6 +15 Enhancement Duration UP Prautos Weapons Workshop(chapter 6)
12 +46 +95
Sirius 218210 16 +65 +95 Enhancement Duration UP Spica★Lv21*Scarletite
61 +140 +220
Total Eclipses 1737313 34 +251 +317 Enhancement Duration UP ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +713 +911
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Deneb 33000 1 +8 +24 - Chapter 3 ,
Up in Arms(chapter 6)
26 +108 +249
Canopus 437550 13 +86 +156 - Deneb★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +374 +636
Total Eclipses 1551723 45 +278 +520 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +608 +1125
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Pleiades 33000 1 +40 +0 Strong but low HP (40%) Gilgamesh Institutions(Completed Mission 64)
26 +340 +0
Hyades 437550 13 +276 +0 Strong but low HP (40%) Pleiades★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +1140 +0
Total Eclipses 1551723 13 +545 +0 Strong but low HP (40%) , ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +1150 +0
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Aldebarans 20100 1 +0 +40 Strong but Decrease ATB speed, Gilgamesh Institutions(Completed Mission 64)
26 +0 +42
Sadalmeliks 233220 14 +0 +190 Strong but Decrease ATB speed, Aldebarans★Lv.26*Cobaltite
61 +0 +660
Total Eclipses 1768953 32 +0 +402 Strong but Decrease ATB speed, *Trapezohedron
100 +0 +1150
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Antares 54800 1 +12 +18 Chain Bonus Up Prautos Weapons Workshop(chapter 13)
26 +92 +98
Fomalhaut 136240 15 +86 +92 Chain Bonus Up Antares★Lv21*Uraninite
41 +216 +222
Total Eclipses 1831233 27 +172 +178 Chain Bonus Up, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +610 +616
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Procyons 63060 1 +14 +9 Break Duration Up Chapter 13
Prautos Weapons Workshop(Chapter 13)
21 +94 +49
Betelgeuse 243740 15 +104 +60 Break Duration Up Otshirvani★Lv21*Scarletite
61 +260 +138
Total Eclipses 1715473 35 +230 +154 Break Duration Up, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +620 +414
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Location Found
Rigel 54800 1 +10 +15 No Breaks Gilgamesh Institutions(Completed Mission 64)
26 +160 +165
Polaris 332560 19 +160 +168 No Breaks Rigel★Lv21*Uraninite
61 +496 +504
Total Eclipses 1634913 40 +406 +414 No Breaks , ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +1006 +1014

Total Eclipse

The two most powerful weapons can change the items once.
Total Eclipse you have any differences in the ability and capacity to either.
Trapezohedron material is required for remodeling.

★ The maximum level is Lv100

Total Eclipse
1st (2nd)tier ★STR ★MAG Effects
Vega(Altair) +812 +822 ATB+1
Spica(Sirius) +713 +911 Continous Enchanced System Up ,ATB+1
Deneb Duellers(Canopus AMPs) +608 +1125 ATB+1
Pleiades Hi-Powers(Hyades Magnums) +1150 +0 Strong but low HP (40%), ATB + 1
Rigel(Polaris Specials) +1005 +1014 No Breaks ,ATB+1
Antares Deluxes(Fomalhaut Elites) +610 +610 Chain Bonus Up ,ATB+1
Procyons(Betelgeuse Customs) +620 +414 Break Duration Up ,ATB+1
Aldebarans(Sadalmeliks) +0 +1150 Strong but ATB recovery is slow, ATB + 1

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