Thursday, March 18, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII Weapon Guide - Oerba Dia Vanille

Vanille – Rod

1st tier change 2nd tier change 3rd tier
Binding Rod★Lv26 Peroskite Hunter’s RodLv.10 Trapezohedron Nirvana
Healer’s Staff★Lv21 Adamantium Physician’s StaffLv.16
Pearlwing Staff★Lv26 Peroskite Brightwing StaffLv.
Rod of Thorns★Lv26 Peroskite Orochi RodLv.13
Mistilteinn★Lv21 Scarletite Erinye’s CaneLv.16
Belladonna Wand★Lv21 Uraninite Morbol WandLv.15
Heaven’s Axis★Lv26 Uraninite AbraxasLv.15
Tigerclaw★Lv26 Cobaltite WyrmfangLv.14

Vanille – Rod

Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Binding Rod 24600 1 +18 +12 - Up in Arms(chapter 4)
26 +130 +85
Hunter’s Rod 445950 10 +85 +36 - Binding Rod★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +442 +138
Nirvana 1393818 45 +330 +106 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +715 +216
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Healer’s Staff 63750 1 +8 +8 Cure Potency UP Chapter 8
Up in Arms(chapter 9)
21 +48 +48
Physician’s Staff 217410 16 +80 +80 Cure Potency UP Healer’s Staff★Lv21*Adamantite
41 +180 +180
Nirvana 1583205 33 +156 +156 Cure Potency UP,ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +424 +424
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Pearlwing Staff 33000 1 +2 +15 - Chapter3,

Up in Arms(Chapter 6)

26 +27 +140
Physician’s Staff 437550 13 +27 +93 - Pearlwing Staff★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +123 +381
Nirvana 1393818 45 +91 +417 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +201 +912
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Rod of Thorns 33000 1 +6 +6 - Up in Arms(chapter 11)
26 +131 +131
Orochi Rod 437550 13 +100 +100 - Rod of Thorns★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +436 +436
Nirvana 1393818 45 +324 +324 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +709 +709
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Mistilteinn 66750 1 +5 +11 Enhancement UP when ally is KOed Prautos Weapons Workshop(chapter 12)
21 +65 +131
Erinye’s Cane 218210 16 +67 +135 Enhancement UP when ally is KOed Mistilteinn★Lv21*Scarletite
61 +167 +335
Nirvana 1579408 33 +135 +271 Enhancement UP when ally is KOed ,ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +403 +807
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Belladonna Wand 38040 1 +5 +11 Jamming Success Rate Up Chapter 6
Prautos Weapons Workshop(chapter 6)
21 +65 +131
Marlboro Wand 153000 15 +63 +127 Jamming Success Rate Up Belladonna Wand★Lv21*Uraninite
41 +167 +335
Nirvana 167328 26 +107 +215 Jamming Success Rate Up, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +403 +807
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Heaven’s Axis 54800 1 +5 +11 No Breaks Gilgamesh Institutions
26 +80 +161
Abraxas 332560 19 +79 +159 No Breaks Heaven’s Axis★Lv26*Uraninite
61 +247 +495
Nirvana 1477008 40 +163 +327 No Breaks, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +403 +807
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Tigerclaw 20100 1 +23 +23 Higher Power but Decrease ATB speed, Gilgamesh Institutions(Completed Mission 64)
26 +198 +198
Wyrmfang 233220 14 +140 +140 Higher Power but Decrease ATB speed, Tigerclaw★Lv26*Cobaltite
61 +516 +516
Nirvana 1611048 61 +276 +276 Higher Power but Decrease ATB speed, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +828 +828


The two most powerful weapons can change the items once.
Nirvana you have any differences in the ability and capacity to either.
Trapezohedron material is required for remodeling.

★ The maximum level is Lv100

1st(2nd)tier ★STR ★MAG Effects
Binding Rod(Hunter’s Rod) +715 +216 ATB+1
Healer’s Staff(Physician’s Staff) +424 +424 Cure Potency UP, ATB+1
Pearlwing Staff(Brightwing Staff) +201 +912 ATB+1
Rod of Thorns(Orochi Rod) +709 +709 ATB+1
Mistilteinn(Erinye’s Cane) +403 +807 When an ally is KOed, Enhancement UP, ATB + 1
Belladonna Wand(Morbol Wand) +403 +807 Jamming Success Rate Up, ATB + 1
Abraxas (Aburakusasu) +403 +807 Jamming Success Rate Up, ATB + 1
Tigerclaw(Wyrmfang) +828 +828 No Breaks, ATB + 1

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