Thursday, March 18, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII Weapon Guide - Hope Estheim

Hope – Boomerang

1st tier change 2nd tier change 3rd tier
Airwing★Lv21 Uraninite SkycutterLv.10 Trapezohedron Nue
Hawkeye★Lv26 Peroskite EagletalonLv.13
Ninurta★Lv26 Peroskite JatayuLv.16
Vidohunir★Lv26 Scarletite HraesvelgLv.16
Simurgh★Lv21 Uraninite YezcatlipocaLv.15
Arikanto★Lv26 Uraninite CharadriusLv.19
Otshirvani★Lv21 Scarletite UrubutsinLv.16
Malphas★Lv26 Peroskite Naberius Lv.13

hope tier

Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Airwing 22440 1 +18 +12 Pinch Shield Prautos Weapons Workshop(chapter 8 )
21 +98 +72
Skycutter 168600 10 +76 +81 Pinch Shield Airwing★Lv21*Uraninite
41 +231 +205
Nue 1364052 28 +166 +153 Pinch Shield ,ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +526 +441
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Hawkeye 33000 1 +2 +18 - Chapter 5
Up in Arms(chapter 6)
26 +27 +193
Eagletalon 437550 13 +28 +122 - Hawkeye★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +124 +506
Nue 1084542 49 +100 +458 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +202 +917
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Ninurta 33000 1 +12 +12 - Chapter4
26 +137 +137
Jatayu 437550 13 +90 +90 - Ninurta★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +378 +378
Nue 1084542 49 +306 +306 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +612 +612
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Vidohunir 66750 1 +6 +14 Constant Defense System UP Chapter 7
21 +46 +134
Hraesvelg 218210 16 +53 +125 Constant Defense System UP Vidohunir★Lv26*Scarletite
41 +128 +300
Nue 1270132 36 +113 +265 ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +305 +713
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Simurgh 66750 1 +28 +0 Magic Greatly Decrease Gilgamesh Institutions
21 +168 +0
zcatlipoca 218210 16 +161 +0 Magic Greatly Decrease Simurgh ★Lv26*Uraninite
61 +395 +0
Nue 1579408 33 +278 +0 Magic Greatly Decrease ,ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +926 +0
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Arikanto 54800 1 +10 +10 No Breaks Gilgamesh Institutions
21 +110 +110
Charadrius 332560 15 +122 +122 No Breaks Arikanto★Lv21*Uraninite
41 +374 +374
Nue 167328 26 +272 +272 No Breaks, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +608 +608
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Otshirvani 66750 1 +6 +14 Aspir Abilities Enhanced Prautos Weapons Workshop(Chapter 13)
21 +66 +114
Urubutsin 218210 16 +78 +110 Aspir Abilities Enhanced Otshirvani★Lv21*Scarletite
41 +178 +260
Nue 1270132 36 +193 +265 Aspir Abilities Enhanced, ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +513 +713
Weapons EXP Lv STR MAG Ability Treasure Place
Malphas 33000 1 +23 +23 HP Low (60%) Gilgamesh Institutions(Completed Mission 64)
26 +198 +198
Naberius 437550 13 +140 +140 HP Low (40%) Malphas★Lv26*Peroskite
61 +520 +520
Nue 1084542 49 +424 +424 HP Low (40%), ATB+1 *Trapezohedron
100 +828 +828


The two most powerful weapons can change the items once.
Nue you have any differences in the ability and capacity to either.
Trapezohedron material is required for remodeling.

★ The maximum level is Lv100

1st(2nd)Tier ★STR ★MAGMAG Ability
Airwing(Skycutter) +526 +441 Pinch Shield, ATB+1
Hawkeye(Eagletalon) +202 +917 ATB+1
Ninurta(Jatayu) +612 +612 ATB+1
Vidohunir(Hraesvelg) +305 +713 Constant Defense System UP, ATB+1
Simurgh (Yezcatlipoca) +926 +0 Constant Defense System UP, ATB+1
Arikanto(Charadrius) +608 +608 No Breaks, ATB+1
Malphas(Naberius) +832 +832 HP Low, ATB+1
Otshirvani(Urubutsin) +513 +713 Aspir Abilities Enhanced, ATB+

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