Saturday, August 23, 2008

Needs Better Management

Wordpress or Blogspot? I think I am managing a lot of blogs which can't be possible in a short time. I may post wrestling here like I did at TAYOMISMO. I am still a big wrestling fan to say the least. I just can't post a lot of useless wrestling crap because of the whitelist. Since I need to have a new blog which means new thoughts again. I can only post my thoughts on the other blog but not here. This will be my wrestling/game blog. I really have to be good in choosing my posts too. If I were to use this and make this alive again, probably wrestling combined with gaming would be my best bet. I have FEEDS like NBA Scores which will get updated as soon as the 2008 - 2009 NBA season starts.

This blog may not be updated as always. Whatever URL I put in CS3 will be my blog not this.

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