Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Breath of Fire 3 Fanfic 2 It's Really Just the Suit


-Are you fine pussycat?

-Yea, am not the “the-only-think-I-know-is-repair-machines” guy of the team, I am the “I –
know who to take care myself “ guy, for your information “the-only-think -I-know-is-repair-machines”-say the tiger sharpening his knife

-At least am not the “crazy-berserker–cat –that –attack-his-own-friends “

-Hey, is not a cat is a tiger

-C’mon I know you are injured...


-I can cure you, calm down and this would end sooner that you expect...-say reasonability the machinefreak, the last battle was the tough one

-But Ryu can do this to... I really would like he...

-He is taking care of Nina, now you stay there.

-yea... -mumble-Ryu end whit the sweet Nina and I stuck whit the sciencefreak

-I know am not Nina, I mean, sure, but can you be less physical for one time please?

-Is not been physical is just that you look like anything

-Am don’t


-NO! O.O


-What does someone like you know?

-I have two eyes!

-is just for this suit ok!

-yeaaaaaaaaa, "just the suit"

-you don’t believe me

-ooo sure, sooo agree

-Don’t use your sarcasm on me!

-That beat it all! Who are you for say that!

-I would take it off and you will have to swallow those words

-ja, let see that

-I am so beautiful and sexy... and... and... hot… you will fall in love whit me even before I show you

-I think I will vomit even before



-So is a deal!


-O Rei, I been searching for you almost all day... where you...? –In that second Nina notes something wrong-Why are you so blush?

-O ... I ... hot… was ... there... and... with nobody... lost... and the sun… and then ... I found... the road... yea... just a bit lost

-Ooooooook, well Ryu is waiting for you in the camp... have you seen Momo?

-So I go, by!-and run like never to the camp

-Ok...- the girl have no time to think in the REALY strange behaviour when she saw the other missing one- O! Momo, there you are, I need to talk to you about... hey, Momo… earth to Momo!

-...-Momo was smile, and seem not to pay much attention to Nina-

-MOMO, are you deaf? MOMO

- : ) -just a biggest smile-

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