Saturday, August 23, 2008

Crisis Core Again/PS3 Remake

If they say you know FFVII, better think about it because even that a classic game that left a lot of holes can fool you. There a lot of details in FFVII. It's not just the assassination of Aeris by Sephiroth on the first disc. It's not just Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Red, Vincent, Yuffie, Cid Highwind.

Some questions/thoughts in mind in which I thought Square would have a remake
  1. Why should they have a remake if spinoffs like Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus were made to fill those holes.
  2. Why would Square spend on this if they have big projects like Final Fantasy Series and probably Kingdom Hearts?
  3. Final Fantasy is actually one of the best RPG games in history. Why milk FFVII again?
  4. Should they remake, what changes should they make to have a good game. An old classic game is just to good to play again.

With the addition of Crisis Core, some guys like Angeal, Genesis, Cissnei and others have made their stand in FFVII just because of Zack.

Repeating history like Advent Children is boring because the only change would be Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo who in turn becomes Sephiroth who faces Cloud again.

Dirge of Cerberus was about Vincent set 3 years after the game itself.

On The Way to a Smile won't open up holes but would connect the original FFVII to Advent Children where Denzel would come in.

Probably there should be an option of what story to follow. Would it be Avalance? Would it be ShinRa? Would you play as Reno and Rude?

But that's my thoughts

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