Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Breath of Fire 3 Fanfic 2 It's Really Just the Suit


-Are you fine pussycat?

-Yea, am not the “the-only-think-I-know-is-repair-machines” guy of the team, I am the “I –
know who to take care myself “ guy, for your information “the-only-think -I-know-is-repair-machines”-say the tiger sharpening his knife

-At least am not the “crazy-berserker–cat –that –attack-his-own-friends “

-Hey, is not a cat is a tiger

-C’mon I know you are injured...


-I can cure you, calm down and this would end sooner that you expect...-say reasonability the machinefreak, the last battle was the tough one

-But Ryu can do this to... I really would like he...

-He is taking care of Nina, now you stay there.

-yea... -mumble-Ryu end whit the sweet Nina and I stuck whit the sciencefreak

-I know am not Nina, I mean, sure, but can you be less physical for one time please?

-Is not been physical is just that you look like anything

-Am don’t


-NO! O.O


-What does someone like you know?

-I have two eyes!

-is just for this suit ok!

-yeaaaaaaaaa, "just the suit"

-you don’t believe me

-ooo sure, sooo agree

-Don’t use your sarcasm on me!

-That beat it all! Who are you for say that!

-I would take it off and you will have to swallow those words

-ja, let see that

-I am so beautiful and sexy... and... and... hot… you will fall in love whit me even before I show you

-I think I will vomit even before



-So is a deal!


-O Rei, I been searching for you almost all day... where you...? –In that second Nina notes something wrong-Why are you so blush?

-O ... I ... hot… was ... there... and... with nobody... lost... and the sun… and then ... I found... the road... yea... just a bit lost

-Ooooooook, well Ryu is waiting for you in the camp... have you seen Momo?

-So I go, by!-and run like never to the camp

-Ok...- the girl have no time to think in the REALY strange behaviour when she saw the other missing one- O! Momo, there you are, I need to talk to you about... hey, Momo… earth to Momo!

-...-Momo was smile, and seem not to pay much attention to Nina-

-MOMO, are you deaf? MOMO

- : ) -just a biggest smile-

Breath of Fire 3 Fanfic 1 Unorthodox Cliche


They were fighting again. Sometimes, it seemed as if they were always fighting. It was just that he could never do anything right. And neither could she. They each always found something wrong with whatever the other one was doing. Whether it be in fixing machines, cracking jokes, or battling enemies, each was never good enough for the other’s approval.

He would always draw himself up, making his height seem even more impressive. She would throw her shoulders back to show she wasn’t intimidated. She would always plant her feet wide apart with her hands on her hips, making her stance seem even more stubborn. He would cross his arms and flick his tail to show he wasn’t worried about how long she could last.

When they really got enthusiastic her ears would start to twitch and his fur would begin to stand on end. They’d move closer to each other and get in each other’s face, yelling to try and prove their point by volume alone.

Most of their fights would cut off at this point, neither willing to back down, but unable to overrule the other. They would turn their backs to each other and stalk off as far away as possible. Then each would commence stewing until they calmed down enough to go about their own business again.

This whole scenario was a common occurrence.

But that time, the ending was a little different. They had reached the stage of ear-twitching/fur-standing-on-end, when instead of starting to yell himself, he decides to shut her up instead.

So he grabs hold of her upper arms, pulls her close, and kisses her quite thoroughly. When he finally lets go, she can only stand and stare with jaw slack and eyes wide.

Then she reaches out and pulls him back in.